Community [Reserved project] - Original editing language: English

Collaboration and integration platform of the Erasmus+ project WE-COLLAB

Additional information
Project background

WE-COLLAB addresses innovative practices in the digital age. Priority is given to activities promoting innovative methods and tools for learning and teaching as drivers of improving digital transformation.

By introducing learning analytics as well as neuromarketing tools and methods, the project will contribute to innovativeness in higher education. All involved partners, as well as other stakeholders, will have the opportunity to learn about these tools through the intellectual results of the project that will be publicly available and thus create a system of support for upgrading social values and encourage inclusion and internationalization.

With the aim of bridging the gap of insufficient student engagement in online learning, project activities and defined results are derived from focusing on: selecting and exchanging different learning materials, use of sophisticated analysis as learning analytics, eye tracking and neurophysiological responses, and, based on previous analysis, best practices guidelines providing.

The theoretical knowledge will be exchanged through meetings and learning activities among partners, existing communication materials, mostly digital (web pages and videos), will be analyzed and the recommendations for their upgrading will be stressed.


The first one, challenge-based training, concerns the problem, which occurs in the online environment, of students’ low engagement in online teaching and the need to find the way how to include them more actively and reach higher engagement.
Following, the second objective relates to designing for engagement through which behavioral data analysis and neurophysiological data analysis will be used to gather findings that enhance their engagement.
The third objective relates to learning analytics (LA) and its use in order to upgrade learning approaches in online learning environment.


The Project will include following important activities with the purpose of strengthening consortium and providing contribution to the society: transnational meetings, learning and training activities, and multiplier events. Within transnational activities, knowledge and experience will be exchanged among partners.

Learning/training activities will provide practical participation in innovative approach and research, based on which training scheme will be provided, which will contribute to sustainability of the Project. Partners will learn new skills which they will be able to use in the future.

Multiplier events will assure dissemination of the gathered findings and spreading them much broader from the target groups (students and teachers).

Expected results

Expected Project results are divided into 6 results, although separated, they are connected in a way of supporting each other, ensuring a strengthening consortium and delivering value. Results include the following.

Firstly, an e-learning platform and learning analytics infrastructure will be provided. This represents the bases for continuing with the Project.

The Project will continue with the second result which is focused on collaboration, networking and peer-learning activities. Different online learning materials and approaches will be collected and exchanged, and all included partners will be able to use them for further analysis and use, as well as target groups (students and teachers) and stakeholders.

As the Project is focused on innovative approaches, third result learning/teaching/training material refers to learning analytics and learning how to use it appropriately to provide benefits for students and teachers.

The fourth one is focused on forming a training scheme with the purpose of sharing knowledge and ensuring sustainability. Through this result it will be analyzed how to use eye tracking for gathering insights about students' reactions to different learning materials and approaches.

To gather even more precise insights, the eye tracking approach will be upgraded with analysis providing insights about individuals’ neurophysiological data to find out what kind of learning materials and approaches are more engaging to the students.

Finally, the sixth result will include best practices guidelines/report uniting findings from all previous results and providing concrete examples of materials and approaches for upgrading online learning.